
Unresponsive Coral Dev Board when running segmentation models

Jaquetti opened this issue · 6 comments



I am encountering an issue when attempting to run segmentation models from the Coral AI website ( on my Coral Dev Board. Specifically, when I execute the Python script with the segmentation model, the Coral Dev Board becomes unresponsive, requiring a restart. It's important to note that I do not experience this issue when running detection or classification models.

Python Library Versions:

Python: 3.7.3
tflite-runtime: 2.5.0.post1
pycoral: 2.0.0
libedgetpu1-std: 16.0
Click to expand!

Issue Type


Operating System

Mendel Linux

Coral Device

Dev Board

Other Devices

No response

Programming Language

Python 3.7

Relevant Log Output

No response

can you please share the python script and model you are trying to execute or share the reproducable steps here. Thanks!

This zip file includes my Python script, the weights, and a text file containing information about the models.

Thank you.

The script is working fine on my Coral Dev Board. Please try updating the board. Thanks!!

mendel@mocha-llama:/test_py$ python3 --model mobilenet_segnet_quant_edgetpu.tflite
Invoke OK!!


I have updated the mendel version 5.2 to 5.3 but the problem still occurs. I'm adressing a video of the tests:

Thank you.

The problem was my power source.

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