
which one is the checkpoint?

tangyuelm opened this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for your codes and model. I want to download the i3d model pre-trained on the Kinetics dataset but feel confused about the checkpoint. I followed the path in
'rgb': 'data/checkpoints/rgb_scratch/model.ckpt',
'rgb600': 'data/checkpoints/rgb_scratch_kin600/model.ckpt',
'flow': 'data/checkpoints/flow_scratch/model.ckpt',
'rgb_imagenet': 'data/checkpoints/rgb_imagenet/model.ckpt',
'flow_imagenet': 'data/checkpoints/flow_imagenet/model.ckpt',
I copied the checkpoints folder to a new path and tried to load it.
However, is seems that no such file or directory: 'checkpoints/rgb_scratch_kin600/model.ckpt'
I found 4 files under the folder rgb_scratch_kin600 but cannot find the model.ckpt. Could anyone help me?
Besides, can the checkpoint be loaded to model writing in Pytorch?

To my understand, the rgb_scratch_600 means the checkpoints for RGB frames pre-trained on Kinetics-600. What do the folder rgb_scratch and flow_scratch mean?
Besides, in each folder, there are four files called "checkpoints", "", "model.ckpt.index", "model.ckpt.meta", but there is no file called model.ckpt. Which one should I use?
I am not familiar with Tensorflow, so I am wondering how to load these checkpoints in Pytorch. Do you have the .pth version for the checkpoint pre-trained on Kinetics-400? I can only find the checkpoints pre-trained on ImageNet and Charades in your Pytorch codes from, but I believe Kinetics-400 is more commonly used for pre-training.

I am also looking for same answer. Or any way to convert them to .h5 format?

@joaoluiscarreira thank you so much. Is there any command line with which I can input the mp4 and get back the logits and features? or do I have to export flow and frames for the input in model to get these.