
Returned Policies and Exploitability

bwr125 opened this issue · 2 comments

Can I get some clarity on the input assumptions when calculating exploitability? See the following simple example:

from open_spiel.python.algorithms import sequence_form_lp, exploitability
import pyspiel

game = pyspiel.load_game('kuhn_poker')
(v1, v2, pi1, pi2) = sequence_form_lp.solve_zero_sum_game(game)
exploitability.exploitability(game, pi1)

The exploitability here is nonzero even though the utilities match the expected values (-1/18, 1/18). This does not happen when I used the closed form expression for the kuhn nash equilibrium:

from open_spiel.python.algorithms import exploitability
from import data
import pyspiel

game = pyspiel.load_game('kuhn_poker')

pi_kuhn = data.kuhn_nash_equilibrium(0.219434553)
exploitability.exploitability(game, pi_kuhn)

This exploitability is zero. However, when I manually compare [pi_1, pi_2] and pi_kuhn, they look almost identical. What am I missing?

Wow, that is quite the gotcha.... I'm surprised the first one even works!

The problem is that you're trying to compute exploitability for just a single policy. But exploitability is a function of the entire strategy profile (both policies) or "joint policy", not just the one player's policy. The sequence form LP code gives you them back separately rather than contained in a single object (like e.g. the CFR code does).

Whereas pi_kuhn is the joint policy (equilibrium).

The fix is to just merge them into a single joint policy:

from open_spiel.python.algorithms import sequence_form_lp, exploitability
from open_spiel.python import policy
import pyspiel

game = pyspiel.load_game('kuhn_poker')
(v1, v2, pi1, pi2) = sequence_form_lp.solve_zero_sum_game(game)
merged_policy = policy.merge_tabular_policies([pi1, pi2], game)
exploitability.exploitability(game, merged_policy)

We should totally have this in a test. I was surprised not to see it in the sequence_form_lp_test, so please leave the issue open as a reminder to add a test that does the above so there's a reference to it in the code somewhere.

Oh that makes sense! I was curious why there were two returned policies, but each policy itself was still defined over the joint action space (with uniform random values in the other player's states). Thanks!!