
Advanced Android: [Lesson #Advanced Android 03.1: Getting sensor data][Step # 5-6][missprint]

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Describe the problem
In the light of the previous code lines the code snippets
int sensorType = event.sensor.getType();
float currentValue = event.values[0];
should be clearly written as
int sensorType = sensorEvent.sensor.getType();
float currentValue = sensorEvent.values[0];
To allow comfortable copy-pasting without looking for the source of the error message :)

In which lesson and step of the codelab can this issue be found?
Advanced Android 03.1: Getting sensor data
steps 5 and 6

How to reproduce?
What are the exact steps to reproduce the problem?


  1. What version of Android Studio are you using?
  2. What API level are you targeting?
    starting from 16th I guess…

Additional information
probably just an educational missprint :))

codelab: advanced-android