
Add input for location or better naming of the generated file

Closed this issue · 4 comments


We utilize the action within a workflow that also commits and opens pull requests. Due to the fact that the generated file's name consists solely of a random hash, it is not possible to simply add it to our git ignore. Adding something similar to google-github-actions/auth@v1 would be a more effective solution.


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Hi @raphzandrade - do you mean for the KUBECONFIG file?

Hi, @sethvargo! Yes, the one created here:

const kubeConfigPath = await writeSecureFile(randomFilepath(workspace), kubeConfig);

I believe incorporating additional information here would be beneficial. Don't you think?

EDIT: We are currently removing the file based on the path set by the action, but this method appears to be susceptible to future errors. It would be much more preferable to have a way to simply ignore the file.

I think it would be best to do what you're doing (or echo that value into a gitignore). We won't break the output without a major version bump.

Changing the path name could break people who might be depending on the location predictability.

@sethvargo Is it possible to include this in a future version? I understand that it may disrupt the workflow for those who rely on location predictability, but I fail to see how adding something to the name (e.g kubeconfig-randomhash), would have that effect. Most of the logic likely relies on the path that is returned or set to the environment.