Image generation gets into Time outs and Manually added images are not added
Closed this issue · 2 comments
I am getting closer to be able to run the tool. I tried to create the images but it keeps saying time-out. I scheduled the tool now but so far no luck.
In addition I tried to add the images in the buckets using the naming convention mentioned in the online session, but the tool does not upload the image even though the status says "completed". Was hoping someone is able to help out to see were I get stuck.
Naming convention I use Bucket name: Account ID > Campaign ID > Ad Group ID then the image name in the folder is Ad Group ID|Ad Group Nam|Timestamp(number)
Hi @alexvandepol,
thanks for the feedback! I'll try to help you:
I tried to create the images but it keeps saying time-out.
Not clear where the timeout happens. Does it generate images for the part of the ad groups and (1) then timeouts (basically cannot process all the ad groups) or (2) it timeouts on each image generation (it cannot process any of the ad groups)? You can check the executions log to get more insights on where the problem is.
In case (1), it's because of the execution time limit. There will be a solution for this in Adios v1.2.
Naming convention I use Bucket name: Account ID > Campaign ID > Ad Group ID then the image name in the folder is Ad Group ID|Ad Group Nam|Timestamp(number)
The naming convention is ///VALIDATED/| (in case you removed "Validated DIR" in the config sheet, then change "VALIDATED" to "GENERATED" - config variable "Generated DIR").
Hi Akushnarov, I do not know what I did differently except for creating a new Google Cloud project and then it worked now. it created the images I wanted :)