The Waymo cfg file and processing code
ruili3 opened this issue · 5 comments
Thank you for sharing the code of these impresssive works.
I noticed current cfg file only contains MOVi datasets, since the performance on Waymo is important to evaluate SAVi++, can you please provide the cfg files as well as the related code for the Waymo Open Dataset? Thanks!
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we are not planning to open source the dataset loader for Waymo Open. We are happy to link to a reimplementation in the README on this repository in case you'd like to give it a try. Feel free to reach out with any specific questions that might be unclear from the paper. Thank you!
Thank you for your reply! Do mean the reimplementation contains the processing code for the Waymo Open? Please help to update it if so, then we can try to compare directly between methods :)
Apologies, what I meant is: in case you are planning to (re-)implement a Waymo Open video data loader for SAVi++, we are happy to link to your re-implementation in our README. Currently, I am not aware of suitable public implementation, unfortunately.