
python package dependency

frozenzo opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, could you please give some notes about the python package dependency with this code? I've known that tensorflow==1.15.0. Other packages include tensorflow_datasets, tensorflow_addons , ... etc are unknown, which makes the evaluation code hard to use.

Is there anyone successfully install & download data of the VTAB? Please give me some instructions about versions of the related py packages ~

Hi @frozenzo,
I've had some luck with running VTAB using latest Tensorflow version - although I've encountered other bugs preventing me from using it. To do this just change tensorflow==1.15.0 to the plain tensorflow in the

This way you can run from the readme. Here is my Google Colab notebook where I've specified smaller batch-size.

Unfortunately there is a bug preventing you from reusing same data_dir twice - something goes wrong with copying. I might look into it later, but right now I'm writing PyTorch wrapper for VTAB.