
Error with config file while fine tuning T5 using mtf model lib

akku779 opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to train the t5 model to perform the wsc in the SUPERGLUE. When I run the function to create my model and specify the mixture/task as "wsc_dpr_simple_proportional" it returns this error.

`def create_model():
model = t5.models.MtfModel(
model_dir = PRETRAINED_DIR,
mesh_shape = 'model:1,batch:1',
mesh_devices = ["gpu:8"]

gin.parse_config_file("/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/pretrained_models-11B-operative_config.gin")
return model`

Returns this error:
No configurable matching 'get_sentencepiece_model_path'. In file "/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/pretrained_models-11B-operative_config.gin", line 64 get_sentencepiece_model_path.mixture_or_task_name = %MIXTURE_NAME