
Cannot Finetune 11B on Cloud VM

jiachangliu opened this issue · 7 comments

Here is how I try to finetune the 11B model inside the VM:

pip install t5[gcp]

export PROJECT=my-project-xxx
export ZONE=us-central1-b
export BUCKET=gs://my-path-xxx/
export TPU_NAME=t5-tpu
export TPU_SIZE=v3-8
export DATA_DIR="${BUCKET}/data"
export MODEL_DIR="${BUCKET}/models/11B/SST2"

ctpu up --name=$TPU_NAME --project=$PROJECT --zone=$ZONE --tpu-size=$TPU_SIZE --tpu-only --noconf

t5_mesh_transformer  \
  --tpu="${TPU_NAME}" \
  --gcp_project="${PROJECT}" \
  --tpu_zone="${ZONE}" \
  --model_dir="${MODEL_DIR}" \
  --t5_tfds_data_dir="${DATA_DIR}" \
  --gin_param="utils.tpu_mesh_shape.model_parallelism = 4" \
  --gin_param="utils.tpu_mesh_shape.tpu_topology = '${TPU_SIZE}'" \
  --gin_param=" = @t5.models.mesh_transformer.tsv_dataset_fn" \
  --gin_param="tsv_dataset_fn.filename = 'gs://my-path-to-data-xxx/SST-2-train.tsv'" \
  --gin_file="gs://t5-data/pretrained_models/11B/operative_config.gin" \
  --gin_param="" \
  --gin_file="learning_rate_schedules/constant_0_001.gin" \
  --gin_param="run.train_steps = 1001000" \
  --gin_param="'tokens_per_batch', 1024)"

I received the following error message:

W0908 15:45:33.807444 140372839036736] Reraising captured error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/bin/t5_mesh_transformer", line 8, in <module>
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/t5/models/", line 254, in console_entry_point
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/absl/", line 303, in run
    _run_main(main, args)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/absl/", line 251, in _run_main
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/t5/models/", line 248, in main
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gin/", line 1069, in gin_wrapper
    utils.augment_exception_message_and_reraise(e, err_str)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gin/", line 41, in augment_exception_message_and_reraise
    raise proxy.with_traceback(exception.__traceback__) from None
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gin/", line 1046, in gin_wrapper
    return fn(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mesh_tensorflow/transformer/", line 2602, in run
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mesh_tensorflow/transformer/", line 1815, in train_model
    estimator.train(input_fn=input_fn, max_steps=train_steps, hooks=hooks)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 3102, in train
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 150, in raise_errors
    six.reraise(typ, value, traceback)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/", line 703, in reraise
    raise value
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 3097, in train
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 350, in train
    loss = self._train_model(input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1176, in _train_model
    return self._train_model_default(input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1209, in _train_model_default
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/", line 1515, in _train_with_estimator_spec
    save_graph_def=self._config.checkpoint_save_graph_def) as mon_sess:
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 605, in MonitoredTrainingSession
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 1039, in __init__
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 750, in __init__
    self._sess = _RecoverableSession(self._coordinated_creator)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 1232, in __init__
    _WrappedSession.__init__(self, self._create_session())
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 1237, in _create_session
    return self._sess_creator.create_session()
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/", line 910, in create_session
    hook.after_create_session(self.tf_sess, self.coord)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/", line 94, in after_create_session
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 968, in run
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1191, in _run
    feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1369, in _do_run
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1394, in _do_call
    raise type(e)(node_def, op, message)  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: From /job:worker/replica:0/task:0:
NodeDef mentions attr 'return_nbest' not in Op<name=SentencepieceTokenizeOp; signature=sp_handle:resource, input:string, nbest_size:int32, alpha:float, add_bos:bool, add_eos:bool, reverse:bool -> output_values:out_type, output_splits:Tsp
lits; attr=out_type:type,default=DT_INT32,allowed=[DT_INT32, DT_STRING]; attr=Tsplits:type,default=DT_INT64,allowed=[DT_INT32, DT_INT64]; is_stateful=true>; NodeDef: {{node SentenceTokenizer/SentenceTokenizer/SentencepieceTokenizeOp}}. (
Check whether your GraphDef-interpreting binary is up to date with your GraphDef-generating binary.).
  In call to configurable 'run' (<function run at 0x7faa6757c560>)

If it helps, here are all the package versions:

absl-py                           0.12.0
aiohttp                           3.7.4.post0
ansiwrap                          0.8.4
anyio                             3.3.0
appdirs                           1.4.4
argcomplete                       1.12.3
argon2-cffi                       20.1.0
arrow                             1.1.1
asn1crypto                        1.4.0
astunparse                        1.6.3
async-generator                   1.10
async-timeout                     3.0.1
attrs                             21.2.0
Babel                             2.9.1
backcall                          0.2.0
backports.entry-points-selectable 1.1.0
backports.functools-lru-cache     1.6.4
beatrix-jupyterlab                0.9.1
binaryornot                       0.4.4
black                             21.7b0
bleach                            4.0.0
blinker                           1.4
Bottleneck                        1.3.2
brotlipy                          0.7.0
cached-property                   1.5.2
cachetools                        4.2.2
caip-notebooks-serverextension    1.0.0
certifi                           2021.5.30
cffi                              1.14.6
chardet                           4.0.0
charset-normalizer                2.0.4
clang                             5.0
click                             8.0.1
cloud-tpu-client                  0.10
cloud-tpu-profiler                2.4.0
cloudpickle                       1.6.0
colorama                          0.4.4
conda                             4.10.3
conda-package-handling            1.7.3
confuse                           1.5.0
cookiecutter                      1.7.3
crcmod                            1.7
cryptography                      3.4.7
cycler                            0.10.0
dataclasses                       0.8
debugpy                           1.4.1
decorator                         5.0.9
defusedxml                        0.7.1
dill                              0.3.4
distlib                           0.3.2
dm-tree                           0.1.6
docker                            5.0.0
docker-pycreds                    0.4.0
docopt                            0.6.2
entrypoints                       0.3
explainable-ai-sdk                1.3.0
explainers                        0.1
fastavro                          1.4.4
fasteners                         0.16.3
filelock                          3.0.12
flatbuffers                       1.12
fsspec                            2021.7.0
future                            0.18.2
gast                              0.4.0
gcsfs                             2021.7.0
gin-config                        0.4.0
gitdb                             4.0.7
GitPython                         3.1.18
google-api-core                   1.31.1
google-api-python-client          2.17.0
google-apitools                   0.5.31
google-auth                       1.34.0
google-auth-httplib2              0.1.0
google-auth-oauthlib              0.4.5
google-cloud-aiplatform           1.1.1
google-cloud-appengine-logging    0.1.4
google-cloud-audit-log            0.1.0
google-cloud-bigquery             2.24.0
google-cloud-bigquery-storage     2.6.3
google-cloud-bigtable             2.3.3
google-cloud-core                 1.7.2
google-cloud-dataproc             2.5.0
google-cloud-datastore            2.1.6
google-cloud-dlp                  1.0.0
google-cloud-firestore            2.2.0
google-cloud-kms                  2.5.0
google-cloud-language             2.2.2
google-cloud-logging              2.6.0
google-cloud-monitoring           2.4.2
google-cloud-profiler             3.0.5
google-cloud-pubsub               1.7.0
google-cloud-scheduler            2.3.2
google-cloud-spanner              3.8.0
google-cloud-speech               2.7.0
google-cloud-storage              1.42.0
google-cloud-tasks                2.5.1
google-cloud-translate            3.3.2
google-cloud-videointelligence    2.3.2
google-cloud-vision               2.4.2
google-crc32c                     1.1.2
google-pasta                      0.2.0
google-resumable-media            1.3.3
googleapis-common-protos          1.53.0
greenlet                          1.1.1
grpc-google-iam-v1                0.12.3
grpcio                            1.38.1
grpcio-gcp                        0.2.2
gviz-api                          1.9.0
h5py                              3.1.0
hdfs                              2.6.0
htmlmin                           0.1.12
httplib2                          0.19.1
huggingface-hub                   0.0.16
idna                              2.10
ImageHash                         4.2.1
imageio                           2.9.0
importlib-metadata                4.6.4
importlib-resources               5.2.2
ipykernel                         6.2.0
ipython                           7.26.0
ipython-genutils                  0.2.0
ipython-sql                       0.3.9
ipywidgets                        7.6.3
jedi                              0.18.0
Jinja2                            2.11.3
jinja2-time                       0.2.0
joblib                            1.0.1
json5                             0.9.5
jsonschema                        3.2.0
jupyter                           1.0.0
jupyter-client                    6.1.12
jupyter-console                   6.4.0
jupyter-core                      4.7.1
jupyter-http-over-ws              0.0.8
jupyter-server                    1.10.2
jupyter-server-mathjax            0.2.3
jupyterlab                        1.2.21
jupyterlab-git                    0.11.0
jupyterlab-pygments               0.1.2
jupyterlab-server                 1.2.0
jupyterlab-widgets                1.0.0
keras                             2.6.0
Keras-Preprocessing               1.1.2
keras-tuner                       1.0.3
kiwisolver                        1.3.1
kt-legacy                         1.0.4
kubernetes                        18.20.0
libcst                            0.3.20
llvmlite                          0.36.0
Markdown                          3.3.4
MarkupSafe                        1.1.1
matplotlib                        3.4.3
matplotlib-inline                 0.1.2
mesh-tensorflow                   0.1.19
missingno                         0.4.2
mistune                           0.8.4
multidict                         5.1.0
multimethod                       1.4
mypy-extensions                   0.4.3
nb-conda                          2.2.1
nb-conda-kernels                  2.3.1
nbclient                          0.5.4
nbconvert                         6.1.0
nbdime                            3.1.0
nbformat                          5.1.3
nest-asyncio                      1.5.1
networkx                          2.5
nltk                              3.6.2
notebook                          6.4.3
notebook-executor                 0.2
numba                             0.53.1
numpy                             1.19.5
oauth2client                      4.1.3
oauthlib                          3.1.1
olefile                           0.46
opt-einsum                        3.3.0
packaging                         21.0
pandas                            1.3.2
pandas-profiling                  3.0.0
pandocfilters                     1.4.2
papermill                         2.3.3
parso                             0.8.2
pathspec                          0.9.0
patsy                             0.5.1
pexpect                           4.8.0
phik                              0.11.2
pickleshare                       0.7.5
Pillow                            8.3.1
pip                               21.2.4
platformdirs                      2.2.0
portalocker                       2.3.2
poyo                              0.5.0
prettytable                       2.1.0
prometheus-client                 0.11.0
promise                           2.3
prompt-toolkit                    3.0.19
proto-plus                        1.19.0
protobuf                          3.16.0
psutil                            5.8.0
ptyprocess                        0.7.0
pyarrow                           5.0.0
pyasn1                            0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                    0.2.7
pycosat                           0.6.3
pycparser                         2.20
pydantic                          1.8.2
pydot                             1.4.2
Pygments                          2.10.0
PyJWT                             2.1.0
pymongo                           3.12.0
pyOpenSSL                         20.0.1
pyparsing                         2.4.7
pyrsistent                        0.17.3
PySocks                           1.7.1
python-dateutil                   2.8.2
python-slugify                    5.0.2
pytz                              2021.1
tensorflow-metadata               1.2.0
tensorflow-probability            0.13.0rc0
tensorflow-serving-api            2.5.1
tensorflow-text                   2.6.0
termcolor                         1.1.0
terminado                         0.10.1
testpath                          0.5.0
text-unidecode                    1.3
textwrap3                         0.9.2
tfds-nightly                      4.4.0.dev202109080110
threadpoolctl                     2.2.0
tifffile                          2021.8.8
tokenizers                        0.10.3
tomli                             1.2.1
torch                             1.9.0
tornado                           6.1
tqdm                              4.62.1
traitlets                         5.0.5
transformers                      4.10.0
typed-ast                         1.4.3
typing-inspect                    0.7.1
ujson                             4.0.2
Unidecode                         1.2.0
uritemplate                       3.0.1
urllib3                           1.26.6
virtualenv                        20.7.2
visions                           0.7.1
wcwidth                           0.2.5
webencodings                      0.5.1
websocket-client                  0.57.0
Werkzeug                          2.0.1
wheel                             0.37.0
whichcraft                        0.6.1
widgetsnbextension                3.5.1
witwidget                         1.8.0
wrapt                             1.12.1
xai-tabular-widget                0.1.0
yarl                              1.6.3
zipp                              3.5.0

Why does the error happen? Is this a package version issue?

Your tensorflow-text version is probably not matched to your tensorflow version (though I can't find tensorflow in your package list).

@craffel I have uninstalled and reinstalled tensorflow and tensorflow-text, but the same error still occurs.

pip list gives me:

absl-py                           0.12.0
aiohttp                           3.7.4.post0
ansiwrap                          0.8.4
anyio                             3.3.0
apache-beam                       2.32.0
appdirs                           1.4.4
argcomplete                       1.12.3
argon2-cffi                       20.1.0
arrow                             1.1.1
asn1crypto                        1.4.0
astunparse                        1.6.3
async-generator                   1.10
async-timeout                     3.0.1
attrs                             21.2.0
Babel                             2.9.1
backcall                          0.2.0
backports.entry-points-selectable 1.1.0
backports.functools-lru-cache     1.6.4
beatrix-jupyterlab                0.9.1
binaryornot                       0.4.4
black                             21.7b0
bleach                            4.0.0
blinker                           1.4
Bottleneck                        1.3.2
brotlipy                          0.7.0
cached-property                   1.5.2
cachetools                        4.2.2
caip-notebooks-serverextension    1.0.0
certifi                           2021.5.30
cffi                              1.14.6
chardet                           4.0.0
charset-normalizer                2.0.4
clang                             5.0
click                             8.0.1
cloud-tpu-client                  0.10
cloud-tpu-profiler                2.4.0
cloudpickle                       1.6.0
colorama                          0.4.4
conda                             4.10.3
conda-package-handling            1.7.3
confuse                           1.5.0
cookiecutter                      1.7.3
crcmod                            1.7
cryptography                      3.4.7
cycler                            0.10.0
dataclasses                       0.8
debugpy                           1.4.1
decorator                         5.0.9
defusedxml                        0.7.1
distlib                           0.3.2
dm-tree                           0.1.6
docker                            5.0.0
docker-pycreds                    0.4.0
docopt                            0.6.2
entrypoints                       0.3
explainable-ai-sdk                1.3.0
explainers                        0.1
fastavro                          1.4.4
fasteners                         0.16.3
filelock                          3.0.12
flatbuffers                       1.12
fsspec                            2021.7.0
future                            0.18.2
gast                              0.4.0
gcsfs                             2021.7.0
gin-config                        0.4.0
gitdb                             4.0.7
GitPython                         3.1.18
google-api-core                   1.31.1
google-api-python-client          1.8.0
google-apitools                   0.5.31
google-auth                       1.34.0
google-auth-httplib2              0.1.0
google-auth-oauthlib              0.4.5
google-cloud-aiplatform           1.1.1
google-cloud-appengine-logging    0.1.4
google-cloud-audit-log            0.1.0
google-cloud-bigquery             2.24.0
google-cloud-bigquery-storage     2.6.3
google-cloud-bigtable             1.7.0
google-cloud-core                 1.7.2
google-cloud-dataproc             2.5.0
google-cloud-datastore            1.15.3
google-cloud-dlp                  1.0.0
google-cloud-firestore            2.2.0
google-cloud-kms                  2.5.0
google-cloud-language             1.3.0
google-cloud-logging              2.6.0
google-cloud-monitoring           2.4.2
google-cloud-profiler             3.0.5
google-cloud-pubsub               1.7.0
google-cloud-recommendations-ai   0.2.0
google-cloud-scheduler            2.3.2
google-cloud-spanner              1.19.1
google-cloud-speech               2.7.0
google-cloud-storage              1.42.0
google-cloud-tasks                2.5.1
google-cloud-translate            3.3.2
google-cloud-videointelligence    1.16.1
google-cloud-vision               1.0.0
google-crc32c                     1.1.2
google-pasta                      0.2.0
google-resumable-media            1.3.3
googleapis-common-protos          1.53.0
greenlet                          1.1.1
grpc-google-iam-v1                0.12.3
grpcio                            1.38.1
grpcio-gcp                        0.2.2
gviz-api                          1.9.0
h5py                              3.1.0
hdfs                              2.6.0
htmlmin                           0.1.12
httplib2                          0.19.1
huggingface-hub                   0.0.16
idna                              2.10
ImageHash                         4.2.1
imageio                           2.9.0
importlib-metadata                4.6.4
importlib-resources               5.2.2
ipykernel                         6.2.0
ipython                           7.26.0
ipython-genutils                  0.2.0
ipython-sql                       0.3.9
ipywidgets                        7.6.3
jedi                              0.18.0
Jinja2                            2.11.3
jinja2-time                       0.2.0
joblib                            1.0.1
json5                             0.9.5
jsonschema                        3.2.0
jupyter                           1.0.0
jupyter-client                    6.1.12
jupyter-console                   6.4.0
jupyter-core                      4.7.1
jupyter-http-over-ws              0.0.8
jupyter-server                    1.10.2
jupyter-server-mathjax            0.2.3
jupyterlab                        1.2.21
jupyterlab-git                    0.11.0
jupyterlab-pygments               0.1.2
jupyterlab-server                 1.2.0
jupyterlab-widgets                1.0.0
keras                             2.6.0
Keras-Preprocessing               1.1.2
keras-tuner                       1.0.3
kiwisolver                        1.3.1
kt-legacy                         1.0.4
kubernetes                        18.20.0
libcst                            0.3.20
llvmlite                          0.36.0
Markdown                          3.3.4
MarkupSafe                        1.1.1
matplotlib                        3.4.3
matplotlib-inline                 0.1.2
mesh-tensorflow                   0.1.19
missingno                         0.4.2
mistune                           0.8.4
multidict                         5.1.0
multimethod                       1.4
mypy-extensions                   0.4.3
nb-conda                          2.2.1
nb-conda-kernels                  2.3.1
nbclient                          0.5.4
nbconvert                         6.1.0
nbdime                            3.1.0
nbformat                          5.1.3
nest-asyncio                      1.5.1
networkx                          2.5
nltk                              3.6.2
notebook                          6.4.3
notebook-executor                 0.2
numba                             0.53.1
numpy                             1.19.5
oauth2client                      4.1.3
oauthlib                          3.1.1
olefile                           0.46
opt-einsum                        3.3.0
orjson                            3.6.3
packaging                         21.0
pandas                            1.3.2
pandas-profiling                  3.0.0
pandocfilters                     1.4.2
papermill                         2.3.3
parso                             0.8.2
pathspec                          0.9.0
patsy                             0.5.1
pexpect                           4.8.0
phik                              0.11.2
pickleshare                       0.7.5
Pillow                            8.3.1
pip                               21.2.4
platformdirs                      2.2.0
portalocker                       2.3.2
poyo                              0.5.0
prettytable                       2.1.0
prometheus-client                 0.11.0
promise                           2.3
prompt-toolkit                    3.0.19
proto-plus                        1.19.0
protobuf                          3.16.0
psutil                            5.8.0
ptyprocess                        0.7.0
pyarrow                           2.0.0
pyasn1                            0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                    0.2.7
pycosat                           0.6.3
pycparser                         2.20
pydantic                          1.8.2
pydot                             1.4.2
Pygments                          2.10.0
PyJWT                             2.1.0
pymongo                           3.12.0
pyOpenSSL                         20.0.1
pyparsing                         2.4.7
pyrsistent                        0.17.3
PySocks                           1.7.1
python-dateutil                   2.8.2
python-slugify                    5.0.2
pytz                              2021.1
pyu2f                             0.1.5
PyWavelets                        1.1.1
PyYAML                            5.4.1
pyzmq                             22.2.1
qtconsole                         5.1.1
QtPy                              1.10.0
regex                             2021.8.3
requests                          2.25.1
requests-oauthlib                 1.3.0
requests-unixsocket               0.2.0
retrying                          1.3.3
rouge-score                       0.0.4
rsa                               4.7.2
ruamel-yaml-conda                 0.15.100
sacrebleu                         2.0.0
sacremoses                        0.0.45
scikit-image                      0.18.2
scikit-learn                      0.24.2
scipy                             1.7.1
seaborn                           0.11.2
Send2Trash                        1.8.0
sentencepiece                     0.1.96
setuptools                        57.4.0
simplejson                        3.17.3
six                               1.15.0
smmap                             3.0.5
sniffio                           1.2.0
SQLAlchemy                        1.4.22
sqlparse                          0.4.1
statsmodels                       0.12.2
t5                                0.6.2
tabulate                          0.8.9
tangled-up-in-unicode             0.1.0
tenacity                          8.0.1
tensorboard                       2.6.0
tensorboard-data-server           0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-profile        2.4.0
tensorboard-plugin-wit            1.8.0
tensorflow                        2.6.0
tensorflow-cloud                  0.1.14
tensorflow-datasets               4.3.0
tensorflow-estimator              2.6.0
tensorflow-hub                    0.12.0
tensorflow-metadata               1.2.0
tensorflow-probability            0.13.0rc0
tensorflow-serving-api            2.6.0
tensorflow-text                   2.6.0
tensorflow-transform              1.3.0
termcolor                         1.1.0
terminado                         0.10.1
testpath                          0.5.0
text-unidecode                    1.3
textwrap3                         0.9.2
tfds-nightly                      4.4.0.dev202109080110
tfx-bsl                           1.3.0
threadpoolctl                     2.2.0
tifffile                          2021.8.8
tokenizers                        0.10.3
tomli                             1.2.1
torch                             1.9.0
tornado                           6.1
tqdm                              4.62.1
traitlets                         5.0.5
transformers                      4.10.0
typed-ast                         1.4.3
typing-inspect                    0.7.1
ujson                             4.0.2
Unidecode                         1.2.0
uritemplate                       3.0.1
urllib3                           1.26.6
virtualenv                        20.7.2
visions                           0.7.1
wcwidth                           0.2.5
webencodings                      0.5.1
websocket-client                  0.57.0
Werkzeug                          2.0.1
wheel                             0.37.0
whichcraft                        0.6.1
widgetsnbextension                3.5.1
witwidget                         1.8.0
wrapt                             1.12.1
xai-tabular-widget                0.1.0
yarl                              1.6.3
zipp                              3.5.0

The error message is:

  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 968, in run
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1191, in _run
    feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1369, in _do_run
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1394, in _do_call
    raise type(e)(node_def, op, message)  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: From /job:worker/replica:0/task:0:
NodeDef mentions attr 'return_nbest' not in Op<name=SentencepieceTokenizeOp; signature=sp_handle:resource, input:string, nbest_size:int32, alpha:float, add_bos:bool, add_eos:bool, reverse:bool -> output_values:out_type, output_splits:Tsp
lits; attr=out_type:type,default=DT_INT32,allowed=[DT_INT32, DT_STRING]; attr=Tsplits:type,default=DT_INT64,allowed=[DT_INT32, DT_INT64]; is_stateful=true>; NodeDef: {{node SentenceTokenizer/SentenceTokenizer/SentencepieceTokenizeOp}}. (
Check whether your GraphDef-interpreting binary is up to date with your GraphDef-generating binary.).
  In call to configurable 'run' (<function run at 0x7f58660afe60>)

Is the TPU running 2.6.0 too?

@craffel Could I ask how I can check whether TPU is running 2.6.0? I don't know how to do this.

Is tensorflow==2.6.0 not sufficient? I am using all flags recommended in the T5 GitHub page. Is there a flag I can use to specify TPU running on 2.6.0?

@craffel Now my flags after cput are as follows:
ctpu up --name=$TPU_NAME --project=$PROJECT --zone=$ZONE --tpu-size=$TPU_SIZE --tpu-only --noconf --tf-version=2.6.0

But the same error message still occurs.

To make sure I'm doing things correctly. I would like to check with you how I created the VM instance:

  1. For Series, I chose E2.
  2. For Machine type, I chose e2-standard-16.
  3. For Boot disk, I chose operating system "Deep Learning on Linux" and version "Deep Learning Image: TensorFlow Enterprise 2.6 m78 TPU/CPU".

Then for everything else including pip package installation, ctpu setup, and t5_mesh_transformer, I am running them inside the VM instance. This instance pops in a browser window after I clicked ssh-ing to the VM instance.

Is there anything else you could you think about that might cause this error message?

I don't know. I'd suggest asking on the TensorFlow support, since this doesn't seem to be an issue with the t5 library.