
Possible bug in schema.apply_time_conventions (?)

timothyas opened this issue · 0 comments

First off, thanks to all the developers for WeatherBench2! It is making ML weather model comparisons very streamlined ...

I am curious if there is a bug in the following lines of schema.apply_time_conventions:

if by_init:
# Need to rename time dimension because different from time dimension in
# truth dataset
forecast = forecast.rename({'time': 'init_time'})
valid_time = forecast.init_time + forecast.lead_time
forecast.coords['valid_time'] = valid_time
assert not hasattr(
forecast, 'time'
), f'Forecast should not have time dimension at this point: {forecast}'
init_time = forecast.time - forecast.lead_time
forecast.coords['init_time'] = init_time

Currently, we only get to this code block if prediction_timedelta is in the dataset, but not if that coordinate is already named lead_time. In that case, the coordinate time is never renamed to init_time, and the coordinate valid_time is never created, which messes up this line (at least).

A simple fix would be to untab this, and then change the "else" to an elif as I did here. I'd be happy to open a PR with that if you agree with this and I'm not missing something.