
v_component_of_wind null values

leaver2000 opened this issue · 2 comments

If this is not the best place to submit an issue, please let me know. Is there something I missed in the documentation regarding null values? I've only noticed the issue with the v_component_of_wind

assert (
    .isel({"time": slice(10, 20)})["v_component_of_wind"]
shoyer commented

When I try running your example on the original data stored in GCS there is no missing data: gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5/1959-2022-6h-128x64_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr

I think you just have an incomplete copy of the Zarr files. If you're missing some files from a Zarr store, Zarr will return the default value (NaN in this case).

When I try running your example on the original data stored in GCS there is no missing data: gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5/1959-2022-6h-128x64_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr

I think you just have an incomplete copy of the Zarr files. If you're missing some files from a Zarr store, Zarr will return the default value (NaN in this case).

That makes sense, thanks.