
Where the "ios13fixes" branch?

LeePepe opened this issue · 5 comments

I am trying to get the chromium source code by fetch
But I have an error that Command 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g fetch origin ff524fb646253b0cbc05aa6d0b327b6b3ddd0385 --no-tags' returned non-zero exit status 128 in /Users/tianpli-mac/Desktop/Development/edge/src/ios/third_party/earl_grey/src
I can not found this branch "ios13fixes".
What should I do?

Is this being pulled from the chromium open-source repo? I deleted over 3 pages of stale branches last week ios13fixes was one of them as it was last updated over 2 years back.

Sorry, I think that I'm in a bad branch.

kvtb commented

chromium source (of a bit outdated browsers, like chromium-86) has explicit dependency on commit ff524fb646253b0cbc05aa6d0b327b6b3ddd0385 which disappeared from this repo

I see. Do you need it from the Chromium side at this point?

kvtb commented

I see. Do you need it from the Chromium side at this point?

I do not know that is the point for the Chromium guys.
I am building chromium-86 at the moment and stuck with the issue.

Hopefully, the tarball at is still here (although git fetch is already shows that the commit is gone)