
Link error for real device and crash for simulator

623637646 opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new iOS project.
  2. Set up EarlGrey by this cocoapods guide
  3. Build and run for real device or simulator.

Build error for real device on M1 Mac:
Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 11 01 53 PM

Build error for real device on Intel Mac:
Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 10 57 11 PM

Launch crash for simulator on M1 Mac:
Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 11 05 12 PM

Launch crash for simulator on Intel Mac:
Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 10 56 23 PM

M1 Mac:
Mac version: Mac Monterey 12.2.1
Xcode: 13.2.1
Simulator: iPhone 13 pro max iOS 15.2

Intel Mac:
Mac version: Mac Monterey 12.1
Xcode: 13.2.1
Simulator: iPhone 13 pro max iOS 15.2

Can you build the AppFramework on your M1 Mac and then copy the generated product to see if it runs?

Can you build the AppFramework on your M1 Mac and then copy the generated product to see if it runs?

Hi, @tirodkar It works.

Can you build the AppFramework on your M1 Mac and then copy the generated product to see if it runs?

Hi, @tirodkar It works.

How did you solve it? @623637646

Can you build the AppFramework on your M1 Mac and then copy the generated product to see if it runs?

Hi, @tirodkar It works.

How did you solve it? @623637646

Not yet. I gave up using this tool. @developforapple

We did do a release recently for this for CocoaPods. I believe the issue is currently for CocoaPods only if I'm right?

The Xcode project works as expect at the moment on M1's.