
Instability testing with Xcode 15

joemantey opened this issue · 1 comments

Using EarlGrey with Xcode 15 in our project, we are seeing several issues

  • We are get a lot of application waiting to idle errors that we aren't seeing when running EarlGrey on Xcode 14. We have to turn off synchronization to test the app
  • Some tapping motions aren't performing the tap correctly, particularly on UITabBar
  • Matchers with grey_interactable() are failing even though the selected element is there and interactable

Wanted to know if others are also dealing with these or any other issues as I can either modify the way we're writing tests or start to look at improvements to EG2'S Xcode 15 compatibility

(We are running on the latest commit of EarlGrey)

Matchers with grey_interactable() are failing even though the selected element is there and interactable

we also experienced the same