
Incorrect behaviour when bottom sheet is closed by clicking on its background

michal-chojnacki opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

When the bottom sheet is closed by clicking on the background before it's fully expanded, the next navigation shows two bottom sheets sequentially. In that situation I can see that bottom sheet is not popped from navController

To Reproduce

Run code like below:

  setContent {
    val bottomSheetNavigator = rememberBottomSheetNavigator()
    val navController = rememberNavController(bottomSheetNavigator)
    TestNavTheme {
            bottomSheetNavigator = bottomSheetNavigator,
        ) {
            NavHost(navController, "home") {
                composable("home") {
                        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                    ) {
                        Text(text = "Hello!")
                        Button(onClick = {
                        }) {
                            Text(text = "Click me!")
                bottomSheet(route = "sheet") {
                        modifier = Modifier.height(360.dp),
                        text = "This is a cool bottom sheet!"



  1. Click on "Click me` button which triggers the display of bottom sheet
  2. Before bottom sheet is fully expanded click on the background
  3. Bottom sheet stays in the navController#currentBackStackEntry even though it was closed.
  4. Click on "Click me` button again
  5. Now bottom sheet is shown but when we will close it, the next instance will be displayed

Expected behavior

Clicking on the background of a not fully expanded bottom sheet will hide it. After that action bottom sheet is popped from navController backstack. On the next navigation, only one bottom sheet will be displayed.




  • Android 14.0
  • Emulator
  • Accompanist v0.32.0