
windows 10

sifaaa opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Is there somewhere a version for Windows 10?

I use google translator

This did not directly work with Windows 10 binaries for Python 3 and ADB. I will be testing this using WSL 2 and will report if it works or not.

Update: I have created a gist for this to keep updated.

So basically this is how I got adb-sync working in Windows 10 under a WSL Distribution. I am using Arch Linux. Instruction on Arch Linux WSL here: ( or )



  • Disable firewall for WSL vEthernet so that the Windows adb binary can communicate with the Linux adb package. Type this in Powershell as Administrator.
Set-NetFirewallProfile -DisabledInterfaceAliases "vEthernet (WSL)"
  • Start the adb server on Windows side using Command Prompt or Powershell.
adb -a -P 5037 nodaemon server
  • Connect to the adb server on Windows from WSL. Run this command in Powershell.
declare -x ADB_SERVER_SOCKET="tcp:$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep name | cut -d' ' -f2):5037"
  • Now run the adb-sync script.
./adb-sync -h

On windows, one can use The author explains its usage here

On windows, one can use The author explains its usage here

Great find. Is it open source?

The author has replied that he doesn't plan on open sourcing the utility. This issue can be closed now.

Comment out the latter half of line 215:

        b'('#, b'(;  #`ls`$PATH\'"(\\\\\\\\){};!\xc0\xaf\xff\xc2\xbf'

Seems like it was intentional. No one need to be able to pass those non-text characters to command line. Maybe they just hate Microsoft.

No problem syncing files with filenames containing CJK characters.
No problem syncing binary files e.g. pictures.

Tested with Win10 + powershell (by default) + Python 3.9

P.S. use slashes / instead of backslashes \ \\, like D:/Downloads/CornHubDesktop/