
Loaders example

LouisCAD opened this issue · 2 comments

Loaders is the recommended way to make loading on Android data lifecycle aware and avoid reloading it when configuration changes. Could you give an example on how to use a compiled repository in a loader please? Or maybe we can talk on how to make it right here, and I do a pull request for a sample following the discussion?

An example for usage in a retained fragment can also be helpful

Sorry for the late reply on this one. Loaders + Agera doesn't make that much sense, since Agera handles the use-cases differently. As you mention though, using a retained fragment with Agera is the way to achieve this. The testapp is now keeping the data in a retained fragment:

  1. The repositories are created in onCreate
  2. The views are created in onCreateView, and associated with the repositories using Updatables
  3. onStart/onStop activates/deactivates the repositories.

This keeps the data in the repositories between rotation. A repository is also kept active between rotations, to avoid unnecessary refresh of data (this just happens automatically, no need to do anything to get this behaviour).