
ClassyShark doesn't match APK Analyzer in Android Studio

IgorGanapolsky opened this issue · 4 comments

I have added org.altbeacon:android-beacon-library gradle dependency.
I have multidex turned on in my project. APK Analyzer in Android Studio shows org.altbeacon.beacon.powersave gradle in classes.dex. However, ClassyShark doesn't show the same in the classes folder.

Do you know what could be causing this?

Thank you,

Can you share the APK (via Google drive), and I take a look

@borisf I sent you the link to GDrive file.

Since the class org.altbeacon.beacon.powersave.BackGroundPowerSaver is not showing in classes.dex in ClassyShark, I get a NoClassDefFoundError at runtime. However, at compiletime, it works in my project fine.

I figured out the problem. Since I am using Adobe Air framework to package my final APK, I must include jars manually in the libs folder (instead of just relying on gradle). Since I didn't include altbeacon jar, it wasn't packaged as part of my final APK, and wasn't in classes.dex.

APK Analyzer shows these problematic packages as italicized.