
Add download sizes similar to Android Studio Apk analyzer

kmadsen opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a way to check the download size of native libraries (.so objects) for each build? Android Studio provides the download sizes for each of these, but we want to keep record of it internally. So we're looking to turn these values into JSON objects.
Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 11 59 44 AM

I've dug into how the Android Studio plugin is working. I've made a jar similar to classy shark that uses their libraries that is working for our use case, but it would be good to use something with a broader audience. When investigating, here are the references identified.

Always happy for pull requests 💯

Yeah can look into it soon. What are your thoughts on kotlinx-cli?

Creating kotlin command line interfaces looks like it is becoming nice, and it's how I've set up our apkanalyzer

kotlinx-cli, don't have any opinions