
Request: offer as a library for Android, including de-obfuscation

AndroidDeveloperLB opened this issue · 6 comments

Currently this repository became very old, and we can use most of it on Android Studio anyway.

Please update it, and offer to to get de-obfuscation of APK files, including ability to run it even on Android itself.

Thanks for the request

  1. If Android Studio addresses your needs, we are more than happy
  2. Deobfuscation - you can use Android Studio (more details)
  3. Ability to run on Android - this is out of our scope as a desktop tool

@borisf Is there anything this tool offers that isn't available on Android Studio?
Even online, I can get more, no?
Why can't it offer de-obfuscation?
If the tool is so outdated, please consider making it better, and supporting Android too, or at least make it a bit easier.

At the moment, we don't have any plans to update ClassyShark, but we are open to pull requests :)

@borisf Does Google have any good alternative library to parse APK files (showing classes, resources, code...), which can run on Android?

I am not familiar

@borisf So Google made Android itself, including the APK standard, and both are open sourced, but there is no nice official library to parse them ...