
check lint settings for tsdoc params

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We use api-documenter to generate reference documentation for blockly. It reads the tsdoc and generates the md files we have on devsite.

For functions, we're somewhat lax in the lint rules about what you have to document. If you have a well-named parameter you don't need to write a redundant description for it. But I'm 99% sure that in order for that to param to show up in the generated reference docs, it at least needs to be mentioned in the tsdoc by name

 * Calculates the area of a rectangle.
 * @param width
 * @param height
 * @returns area
function getArea(width, height) {}

Our lint settings need to be set up so that the name of the parameter is required but a description is not.

I haven't verified this issue yet, so two assumptions need to be checked:

  1. that api-documenter requires the param to be listed in tsdoc
  2. that our lint settings are not already set this way

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