
`FullType`s with generic input doesn't equal concrete type

captnCC opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to implement a REST API deserialisation with built_value. Because the general pattern for Responses ist always equal, I want to use a Generic to handle this part (I know I still have to registers the builder anyway).

The type of the serializer should be taken from the wrapping generic instead of passing another FullType with the concrete instances.

After a lot of trial and error I found the problem that causes the BuildFactory to not be found for the type.

TLDR; The hashCode for the concrete and from a generic derived FullType don't match.

A little sample:

fromGeneric<TSerializeable>() => FullType(BaseType<TSerializeable>, [FullType(TSerializeable)]);

final concrete = FullyType(BaseType<Concrete>, [FullType(Concrete)]);
final generic = fromGeneric<Concrete> ();

// should equal
concrete.hashCode == generic.hashCode

Is there a way to get them to equal somehow?

(Sorry for the slow response!)

Your example doesn't compile, I think; FullType(BaseType<TSerializable>, is not valid Dart, it should be just FullType(BaseType, [FullType(TSerializable)]).

And then the corresponding change for fromGeneric, it should be FullType(BaseType, [FullType(TSerializable)]).

This passes

    test('hashCode matches if created via generics', () {
      var concrete = FullType(List, [FullType(int)]);
      var generic = fromGeneric<int>();

      expect(concrete.hashCode, generic.hashCode);

FullType fromGeneric<T>() => FullType(List, [FullType(T)]);

so as far as I can see, this works?