
Bundletool does not recognize `android:installLocation="0"`

benjaminRomano opened this issue · 1 comments


We are exploring uncompressed native libraries for our application and observed an issue where Bundletool is not respecting the installLocation flag for disabling uncompressed native libraries for Android 6 to 9 where the app may be installed on external storage (and consequently lead to a security exception).

Within our AndroidManifest.xml, we've got the following, android:installLocation="0", which is equivalent to android:installLocation="auto". In our source code we are using android:installLocation="auto" so some intermediate step in our build system, which leverages Bazel's rules_android, is performing this translation before we generate the App Bundle.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 4 45 14 PM


Bundletool assumes that android:installLocation is a string value and fails to process android:installLocation="0".

name: "installLocation"
source {
resource_id: 16843447
compiled_item {
  prim {
    int_decimal_value: 0
// Returns 0

// Returns ""

This occurs here:

  /** Returns the string value of the 'installLocation' attribute if set. */
  public Optional<String> getInstallLocationValue() {
    return getManifestElement()

It's possible that there are other places within AndroidManifest.xml that cannot properly account for integers instead of strings.

If it would help, I can share our App Bundle or email to test other potential breakages in Android Manifest introspection.