
How can I create a Stacked bar Chart

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someone has an example to create a stacked bar chart?
I see some example:

and the option "stacked: true" in the axes but in dart doesn't work for me.

For the moment I'm using the version ^0.4.0+1

Now works with stacked: true

// define X Axe
ChartXAxe chartScaleX = new ChartXAxe(stacked: true);
// define Y Axe
ChartYAxe chartScaleY = new ChartYAxe(stacked: true);

// set chart's data
LinearChartData data = new LinearChartData(
    labels: labels,
    datasets: <ChartDataSets>[
      new ChartDataSets(
          label: "min",
          backgroundColor: barColors[0],
          data: data1),
      new ChartDataSets(
          label: "avg",
          backgroundColor: barColors[1], 
          data: data2),
      new ChartDataSets(
          label: "max",
          backgroundColor: barColors[3], 
          data: data3)