
"<>=&" is compiled to "\x3c\x3e\x3d\x26"

leeoniya opened this issue · 6 comments

probably missing some other entities here, too. this does not happen in the Java version.

test code:

const closure = require('google-closure-compiler-js').compile;

var test = 'var x = "<>=&";';

const flags = {
  jsCode: [{src: test}],
  languageIn: 'ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT',
  languageOut: 'ECMASCRIPT5',
  compilationLevel: 'SIMPLE',

var compiled = closure(flags).compiledCode;

console.log(compiled);       // var x="\x3c\x3e\x3d\x26";

IIRC this is the "trustedStrings" option.

We can probably turn it on by default for the JS version.

hmm, thanks. i'll try that...unless it's not available in the js version?

FWIW the java version did also encode angle brackets but only if they were part of an html comment in a string: "<!-- foo -->" -> "\x3c!-- foo --\x3e". i dont believe this is technically necessary either. (unlike escaping / in "</script>".

The trusted strings option is now set. Deployment has moved to

awesome, thanks!

any idea when this will trickle down to ?

It won't. All development has moved to the main package.

sorry, misunderstood. thanks.