
Generating source map from command line?

hultqvist opened this issue · 4 comments

Can a source map be generated when calling google-closure-compiler-js from the command line?

I can pass --createSourceMap true but can't find any map files generated.

So far I've been using the pipe output so I guess the map can't be sent there.
Using --jsOutputFile test.js gives the error: Unhandled flag: jsOutputFile.

Could you resolve it? It seems it's not yet an option. Here's a quick script I wrote to compile it, replace your options as needed:

const closureCompiler = require('google-closure-compiler-js');
const fs = require('fs');

if (process.argv.length !== 4) {
    console.log("Usage: node " + __filename + " inputFile outputFile");

const inputPath = process.argv[2];
const outputPath = process.argv[3];

if (!fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {
    console.log('Input file does not exists: ' + inputPath);

const src = fs.readFileSync(inputPath).toString();
const getErrorMessage = (e) => {
    return [
        'Compile error in file: ' + path,
        '- Type: ' + e.type,
        '- Line: ' + e.lineNo,
        '- Char : ' + e.charNo,
        '- Description: ' + e.description

* Use same options as defined in (search for "closureCompiler.compile")
const out = closureCompiler.compile({
    compilationLevel: 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS',
    jsCode: [{
        src: src
    languageIn: 'ES5',
    languageOut: 'ES5',
    createSourceMap: true

const errors = out.errors;
if (errors.length) {
    const msg = => {
        return getErrorMessage(e);
    console.log("Ooops, there was a compiler error\n");

fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, out.compiledCode);
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath + '.map', out.sourceMap);

I'm afraid not.
Using the closure-compiler from a non javascript runtime I don't have access to those tools.
I ended up using the java version for now.

I just stumbled upon the same problem. I added a PR #87 to fix. You can extract the source map with exorcist for example

The jsOutputFile is used only by gulp and is then removed:

The JS version does currently support filesystem operations. I'm looking at adding that, but its not currently an option.

The source map is created, but the consumer is responsible for writing out the file.