
Deployment broken by python package upgrade

jonathanmetzman opened this issue · 0 comments

python run setup --config-dir ../clusterfuzz-config/configs/internal --non-dry-run
afl fuzzer already exists
Updating stats metrics.
libFuzzer fuzzer already exists
Updating stats metrics.
honggfuzz fuzzer already exists
Updating stats metrics.
googlefuzztest fuzzer already exists
Updating stats metrics.
syzkaller fuzzer already exists
Updating stats metrics.
centipede fuzzer already exists
Updating stats metrics.
Template with name afl already exists.
Template with name centipede already exists.
Template with name engine_asan already exists.
Template with name engine_msan already exists.
Template with name engine_ubsan already exists.
Template with name honggfuzz already exists.
Template with name googlefuzztest already exists.
Template with name libfuzzer already exists.
Template with name syzkaller already exists.
Template with name prune already exists.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 391, in <module>
  File "", line 377, in main
    return command.execute(args)
  File "src/local/butler/", line 48, in execute
  File "src/local/butler/scripts/", line 401, in execute
  File "src/local/butler/scripts/", line 372, in setup_metrics
    project_path = client.project_path(project_name)
AttributeError: 'MetricServiceClient' object has no attribute 'project_path'