Fix IsADirError
jonathanmetzman opened this issue · 6 comments
jonathanmetzman commented
It looks like its caused because some testcases are marked archived when they should not be.
jonathanmetzman commented
jonathanmetzman commented
jonathanmetzman commented
Weirdly, this isn't happening in Chrome:;kind=Testcase;ns=__$DEFAULT$__/query/kind;queryModel=2%7CLIM%7C3%2F100%7CWH%7C1%7C7%2F__key__%7CEQ%7CKEY%7C44%2FS2V5KFRlc3RjYXNlLCA0ODI0MTA4NDM5MTA5NjMyKQ..?e=-13802955&invt=AbZefA&mods=logs_tg_prod&project=cluster-fuzz
oliverchang commented
We need to fix this: . I think we just haven't deployed to Chrome for a while?
jonathanmetzman commented
It seems to be running in chrome.
oliverchang commented
This is fixed right?