
User-reported unhelpful error message

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main :: IO ()
main = drawingOf scene

triangle :: Picture
triangle = polygon [(0, 0), (1, 1), (-1, -1)]

scene :: Picture
scene = colored red triangle

Line 2, Column 1-22: warning:
Not helpful?
Please define program instead of main.
Line 2, Column 18-22: error:
Not helpful?
• Missing punctuation before this expression.
Perhaps you forgot a comma, an operator, or a bracket.
• To multiply, please use the * operator.
For example: drawingOf * scene
• To apply a function, add parentheses around the argument.
For example: drawingOf(scene)
Line 8, Column 17-19: error:
Not helpful?
• Missing punctuation before this expression.
Perhaps you forgot a comma, an operator, or a bracket.
• To multiply, please use the * operator.
For example: colored * red
• To apply a function, add parentheses around the argument.
For example: colored(red)
Line 8, Column 21-28: error:
Not helpful?
• Missing punctuation before this expression.
Perhaps you forgot a comma, an operator, or a bracket.
• To multiply, please use the * operator.
For example: colored red * triangle

Don't understand how this code does not work


program.hs:8:21-28: error:
    • Missing punctuation before this expression.
      Perhaps you forgot a comma, an operator, or a bracket.
    • To multiply, please use the * operator.
      For example: colored red * triangle