
Project doesn't install anything

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Project doesn't install anything

Correct. There has been no effort to ensure ABI / API backwards compatibility, and so there has been no effort to provide install targets.
If you want to use this project, I would encourage developers to compile from source.

It can't be packaged if it doesn't install anything.


Please see: #72 and #54.

There is no relationship whatsoever between ABI / API backwards compatibility and presence of install instructions.

I'm not sure I agree with that.

Based on your "It can't be packaged if it doesn't install anything." comment, it seems that you want an install target so you can create a prebuilt package of this library.

Packages tend to come with an expectation that they can be upgraded, and code using the package will continue to compile and work. That requires ABI and API compatibility.

Semantic versioning (or some variant) along with careful, explicit markup of public vs private API is the standard way to create a library that can be sensibly packaged. However, this is a significant burden on development, especially for this project, as most cppdap changes originate from changes in the DAP specification, which this project has no control over.

cppdap makes a best effort to not break users with changes, but we make no promises. This project is used by a number of Google projects, and each build cppdap from source.

That's the recommended way to use this project.

If you want to create packages of this library, then please be my guest, but we have no intention right now to support and maintain install targets. Sorry.