
`LazyClassKey` doesn't work when providing a `Map<Class<*>, Provider<?>` with a scope

lwasyl opened this issue · 0 comments

The following doesn't compile with Dagger KSP 2.51:

package com.example

import dagger.Component
import dagger.Module
import dagger.Provides
import dagger.multibindings.IntoMap
import dagger.multibindings.LazyClassKey
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Provider
import javax.inject.Qualifier
import javax.inject.Scope

@Component(modules = [TestModule::class])
interface TestComponent {

    fun f(): F

internal class TestModule {

    fun foo(): String = "foo"

    fun bar(): String = "foo"

class F @Inject constructor(
    @SomeQualifier private val arg: @JvmSuppressWildcards Map<Class<*>, Provider<String>>,

annotation class SomeQualifier

annotation class SomeScope

with the following error:

build/generated/ksp/main/java/com/example/ error: incompatible types: MapProviderFactory<String,String> cannot be converted to MapFactory<String,String>
      this.someQualifierMapOfClassOfAndProviderOfStringProvider = LazyClassKeyMap.Factory.<String>of(MapProviderFactory.<String, String>builder(2).put(LazyClassKeyProvider.java_lang_String, fooProvider).put(LazyClassKeyProvider.com_example_TestModule, barProvider).build());
Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
1 error

The above works if one of the following changes are made:

  • @ClassKey is used instead of @LazyClassKey
  • @SomeScope is not used