
[Hilt] onCreate() in my Application doesn't called on Instrument test

Jaehwa-Noh opened this issue · 4 comments

My application class use @Inject and do some logic in onCreate() to add data in database.

• SearchFlightApplication.kt

class SearchFlightApplication : Application() {
    lateinit var airportsRepository: AirportsRepository

    lateinit var airportsFtsRepository: AirportsFtsRepository

    lateinit var applicationScope: CoroutineScope

    override fun onCreate() {
        applicationScope.launch {
                airportsRepository.getAllAirportsEntities().map { airportEntity ->

I made my own TestRunner as mentioned in hilt documentation.

• SearchFlightTestRunner.kt

class SearchFlightTestRunner : AndroidJUnitRunner() {
    override fun newApplication(
        cl: ClassLoader?,
        className: String?,
        context: Context?
    ): Application {
        return super.newApplication(cl,, context)

The test is this.

• NavigationTest.kt

class NavigationTest {
    @get:Rule(order = 0)
    val hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    @get:Rule(order = 1)
    val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()

    fun setUp() = hiltRule.inject()

    fun whenSearchHAM_ShowSuggestions() {
        composeTestRule.apply {
            onNodeWithContentDescription("Search").apply {
             * There are two "HAM" on the screen.
             * One is in the search bar
             * Another is in the suggestions.

But the test is failed because database is empty. It is by the onCreate() function in application not called.
What can I do to call onCreate() in Application to run the business logic?
Do I need a mock database?

You can see the project in my github

Hi, did you try adding logs to onCreate to verify onCreate was indeed not called? launch is an asynchronous call, so it may not get to run after the test finishes if you don't have some idling or blocking mechanism to make sure the launched task was executed.

Yes, I tested it with log and no onCreate called. I think we replaced the Application to HiltTestApplication. It seemed to bring this situation.

Right, @HiltAndroidTest will generate a test application for you. So @HiltAndroidApp one will be unused. I think @CustomTestApplication may help you

I just solve this application onCreate by implement in @Before function.

    fun setUp() {
        runTest {

Thank you to stay with me.