
[Dagger-Hilt] Can't get viewModel in composable by Hilt

Anatoly4444 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hilt can't provide View Model by factory using viewModel() function in composable function. Every time I got:

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.example.myapplication.HomeViewModel.<init>

My ViewModel class
@HiltViewModel class HomeViewModel @Inject constructor(val testClass: TestClass) : ViewModel() { fun test() { testClass.test() } }

fun HomeScreen(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel: HomeViewModel = viewModel()
) {
Button(onClick = { /TODO/ }) {


This should work and is mentioned in the Compose + Hilt docs:

Please double check your setup, that the Activity or Fragment are annotated with @AndroidEntryPoint. That your runtime and annotation processor dependencies are in the module and that the Hilt Gradle plugin is applied.