
error when ksp.useKSP2=true

ber4444 opened this issue · 2 comments

Using KSP 2 (kotlin 2.0.0-RC2, ksp 2.0.0-RC2-1.0.20), the build fails with:

e: [ksp] ModuleProcessingStep was unable to process '' because '<error>' could not be resolved.

Dependency trace:
    => element (INTERFACE):
    => annotation type: dagger.Module
    => annotation: @dagger.Module(includes={}, subcomponents={<error>})
    => annotation value (TYPE_ARRAY): subcomponents={<error>}
    => annotation value (TYPE): subcomponents=<error>

If type '<error>' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type '<error>' is on your classpath.
e: [ksp] ModuleProcessingStep was unable to process '' because '<error>' could not be resolved.

My code looks pretty simple:

interface ConfigurationModule {
    fun configurationUseCase(impl: ConfigurationUseCaseImpl): ConfigurationUseCase
@Module(includes = [ConfigurationModule::class])
interface CommonModule

Going back to ksp 1 is the only workaround?

Hi, @ber4444 , thanks for the report. Unfortunately Dagger doesn't work with KSP 2 yet as it contains some breaking changes and we're still migrating a library Dagger uses underneath( I'm afraid you'll have to use KSP 1 for now.

Closing to consolidate with a single KSP2 issue: #4303