
Suppress annotation on @Inject is not honored on the Factory

BraisGabin opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a class that needs to inject a deprecated class. It looks like this:

public class Foo {
    Foo(DeprecatedClass foo) {

The generated Foo_Factory doesn't add the @SuppressWarning for "deprecation":

    value = "dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentProcessor",
    comments = ""
public final class Foo_Factory implements Factory<Foo> {
  private final Provider<DeprecatedClass> fooProvider;

  public Foo_Factory(Provider<DeprecatedClass> fooProvider) {
    this.fooProvider = fooProvider;
// ...

This prevents me to run java with -Werror active. I found that this feature exist on Hilt for other cases or at least that's what I understand from #2834.

Something similar happens when the deprecated class has the @Inject. The Factory also contains warning. Example:

@Deprecated("Don't use, please")
class DeprecatedClass @Inject constructor()

I found out this last one while writing this snippets for this issue so I don't care that much about it. And I'm not sure if it should be tracked in this issue or open a new one.