
Detail is slightly confusing

Arthur-Milchior opened this issue · 0 comments


Here is a few feedback on
I'm trying to understand it, and thought maybe you'd want some feedback.
I must note I'm new to Objective-C/iOS development, trying to learn (which is why I read the doc)

In the image, what is "v@:"?

Why is the disjunction "value type/reference type" done first in the section "Boxing and Unboxing parameters" and then in "Value Type (pass by value) and Reference Type (pass by reference)". If there is a difference, I don't get it.

In "Boxing and Unboxing Parameters" you state it's a good idea to create a service so that the client can listen to request by the host. Would you mind adding a link to show how to do that? Because this seems absent from the examples of setup or readme

Only a reference to NSObject * is supported and only seen as an out parameter

I find this sentence quite confusing. Where it is supported? I assume you mean that some other things are forbidden. What is forbidden and where? I believe being explicit would help.

For example, this type can also be seen as a pointer to a c-array of NSObject * and if one is used to iterate over it, it will crash.

What does "one" refere too? And what is "it" (well, I assume that "it" and "one" refers to the same thing)

and in order to let EDO know it is a value type and passed by value, override -(BOOL)edo_isEDOValueType to returns YES.

I was confused. Because the sentence begin with "all objects". I assume the end of this sentence refers to a single object. In this case, I guess that it would help to rewrite it as:

in order to let EDO knows that an object o must behave as value type and hence be passed by value, you should override its method -(BOOL)edo_isEDOValueType to return YES.

However, I'm far from sure this is what you meant, so any clarification would help, especially if actually I misunderstood