
[Consent to Share Developer Resources] spectral

jdbcode opened this issue · 5 comments

@davemlz Thanks for suggesting Awesome Spectral Indices be included in Earth Engine's Developer Resources page.


  1. edit the provided suggestions for how to present your resource
  2. add your name and date to confirm your consent to display your resource
  3. let us know your plans for maintenance and development of your resource
"title": "Awesome Spectral Indices",
"desc": "A standardized ready-to-use curated list of spectral indices that can be used as expressions for computing spectral indices in GEE.",
"url": "",
"contactGitHub": "davemlz"
"contactName": "YOUR NAME",
"contactConsent": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"maintenance": "yes" OR "no" OR "maybe",
"development": "yes" OR "no" OR "maybe",

To request changes in the future, ping this issue. Thank you for supporting the Earth Engine developer community!

Thanks a lot, Justin! Here is the requested info. The module is fully operational, maintained, and I will keep adding features in the future! :)

"title": "spectral",
"desc": "A module for accessing and computing spectral indices from Awesome Spectral Indices inside the Code Editor",
"url": "",
"contactGitHub": "davemlz",
"contactName": "David Montero Loaiza",
"contactConsent": "2022-09-16",
"maintenance": "yes",
"development": "yes",

Thanks, David! It should be live by the end of next week. I'll keep this open until it's confirmed.
Great job on spectral!

Thank you very much, Justin!

It's live! 🚀

Ping this thread if you want to make changes to the entry in the future.

That was super fast!

Thank you, Justin! 🚀