- 5
cargo install evcxr_jupyter failed
#384 opened by mingerfan - 2
Panic using Unix Domain Sockets for Jupyter Lab connection on macOS (possibly Linux)
#385 opened by eirnym - 3
panic when importing yara-x dependency
#383 opened by plusvic - 5
run python script in evcxr
#380 opened by wangjiawen2013 - 3
gcc link error, `cannot find -lgcc_s` when run code
#379 opened by EiEddie - 9
no method named `evcxr_display` found
#378 opened by leighmcculloch - 5
Add ability to enable feature when running
#376 opened by leighmcculloch - 3
- 0
Autocomplete for :doc does not work
#374 opened by angordeyev - 1
Tab completion on Vectors not working
#373 opened by vsndev3 - 2
Problem converting a Vec to a &[] struct
#372 opened by Rafael-Julio-2242 - 1
- 5
Cargo patch dependency issue
#370 opened by lordOznek - 2
Errors not shown
#369 opened by vsndev3 - 6
New name proposal: Ruins (RUst INteractive Shell)
#310 opened by bynux-gh - 10
unresolved import `core::unicode`
#365 opened by wangjiawen2013 - 2
evcxr works with atom/pulsar hydrogen
#366 opened by matteobolner - 1
shell command in evcxr jupyter
#363 opened by wangjiawen2013 - 3
- 2
- 1
Invalid code generation when using the question mark operator directly after `.await`
#356 opened by byte-sized-emi - 10
- 5
Native file rust cell support
#342 opened by feribg - 7
- 2
- 3
Can't use tch-rs in Jupyter Hub (Part 2)
#351 opened by sergree - 6
Can't use Burn (MNIST example)
#352 opened by sergree - 4
- 8
not compatible with latest rust 1.72.0
#328 opened by wangjiawen2013 - 2
how to trigger code auto completion
#348 opened by naijim - 3
Can't use tch-rs in Jupyter Hub
#350 opened by sergree - 2
- 10
linking with `cc` failed: exit code: 1
#339 opened by naijim - 4
RFC: Adding Support for Shell Command Execution
#341 opened by wiseaidev - 11
- 0
i wanna install the indy-sdk on ubuntu, tried sudo apt get-update and got this
#338 opened by PrathivKrishnaR - 3
Rust kernel can't work
#332 opened by somebodyLi - 38
Cannot configure (persist) logging configuration
#331 opened by martinitus - 1
- 2
Slow execution speed
#333 opened by zxcqirara - 1
Cached tokio runtime after panic
#329 opened by martinitus - 2
The error doesn't print as expected.
#324 opened by baiguoname - 7
Is it possible to print out the documentation?
#321 opened by baiguoname - 4
- 2
is sccache working properly?
#319 opened by anandijain - 1
Double Ctrl-C killing repl unexpectedly
#318 opened by anandijain - 2
`init.evcxr` and `` placed in the suggested MacOS location doesn't seem to do anything
#314 opened by anandijain - 3
printing colored outputs in the repl?
#316 opened by anandijain - 14
- 4
Out of order print in the output
#308 opened by antimora