
object.declaration_file is empty when use Parser to load .fbs schema file.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

flatbuffers version is 24.3.25
gcc: 7.3.1

code :

int Load(const char* filename)
    std::string str;
    if(!flatbuffers::LoadFile(filename, false, &str))
        fprintf(stderr,  "load file error: %s \n", filename);
        return -1;

    const char* p = strrchr(filename, '/');

    std::string path = p ?  std::string(filename, p - filename) : std::string(".");

    const char* includes[] = { path.c_str(),  nullptr};

    flatbuffers::IDLOptions options;
    //options.lang_to_generate = flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kCpp;
    flatbuffers::Parser parser(options);
    if(!parser.Parse(str.c_str(), includes, filename))
        fprintf(stderr,  "parse error: \n%s\n", parser.error_.c_str());
        return -1;


    auto schema = reflection::GetSchema(parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer());
    printf("\nList Objects: \n");
    auto objects = schema->objects();
    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < objects->size(); i++) {
        auto object= objects->Get(i);
        printf(" [%u] %s: %s, file: %s\n", i, object->is_struct() ? "struct" : "table", 
                object->name()->c_str(), object->declaration_file()->c_str());

    // Enums
    printf("\nList Enums: \n");
    auto enums = schema->enums();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < enums->size(); i++) {
        auto eu = enums->Get(i);
        printf(" [%u] %s %s: %s, file: %s\n", i, eu->is_union() ? "Union" : "Enum",  
                eu->name()->c_str(), reflection::EnumNameBaseType(eu->underlying_type()->base_type()), 
    return 0;

So, what is the correct way to determine in which schema file an object is defined?

Output is like:
List Objects:
[0] struct: res.Area, file:
[1] table: res.ResCard, file:
[2] table: res.ResCardTable, file:
[3] struct: res.WeaponSet, file:

List Enums:
[0] Enum res.ArmorType: Byte, file:
[1] Enum res.BuildingType: Byte, file:
[2] Enum res.CardQuality: Byte, file:
[3] Enum res.UnitType: Byte, file: