
Problems running protoveneer

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Description of the bug:

The instructions in genai/client.go for running protoveneer are difficult to repdoruce.

First, installing protoveneer as instructed fails:

$ go install
go: module found (v0.113.0), but does not contain package

Also, the path ../../../googleapis/google-cloud-go/ai/generativelanguage/apiv1beta/generativelanguagepb assumes a specific local directory structure. It should be encoded in a way that's easier to reproduce on different machines.

(other issues resolved)

jba commented

I think I need to tag it. But there is a lot of ceremony to doing that, so instead I'll change the install instructions.

The path to the proto package is a problem. I will change the doc to use an environment variable.

I think I need to tag it. But there is a lot of ceremony to doing that, so instead I'll change the install instructions.

FWIW, this is fine. I don't think we should tag it - it's an internal tool, after all. Cloning the repo and building it isn't a big deal and the new instructions you've added should be easy to follow and work for others.