
Download raw file contents from a specific commit

Opened this issue Β· 51 comments

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 7

Support downloading the contents of a single file "as is" from Gitiles, for example:

to get the raw XML rather than it wrapped inside of HTML.

This is a bit of a challenge because the server has cookies, and this is possibly unsafe
user supplied data. Raw HTML or JavaScript could cause the user's session to be able
to be hijacked.

Reported by None on 2012-11-11 15:30:45

Support downloading the contents of a single file "as is" from Gitiles, for example:

to get the raw XML rather than it wrapped inside of HTML.

This is a bit of a challenge because the server has cookies, and this is possibly unsafe
user supplied data. Raw HTML or JavaScript could cause the user's session to be able
to be hijacked.

Reported by None on 2012-11-11 15:30:45

Would providing a json format (issue 27) have less security concerns?  Chrome team has
tools which need to get current state of certain files.  This is currently done via
chromium svn servers but I'd like to transition these tools to use GoB.  An example
file which tools fetch is:

Reported by None on 2013-05-05 18:10:31

Would it be sufficient to always set the content-type to something like "application/octet-stream"?
Are there any browsers that would attempt to parse/display that, rather than just downloading?
That might help avoid the browser hijacking issue, while still allowing easy programmatic
access from our tools.

Reported by None on 2013-05-06 09:14:52

Or another option, maybe always put the file(s) into a zip archive, which would force
downloading and unzipping, again avoiding browser handling of the content, but still
being pretty easy for scripts to deal with.

Reported by None on 2013-05-06 09:18:51

#1: JSON is a good idea, that would be easy to implement in the short term. Works for
the scripting case but we still want true raw file support for e.g. viewing in-repo

#2: Unfortunately if you include a file with an <img> or <script> tag browsers are
still liable to do content sniffing regardless of Content-Type in the header :(. Modern
browsers will respect Content-Disposition: Attachment but older IEs may not. And again
we still want to support browsing raw HTML stored in the repo.

#3: Zip archive is another idea, but between that and JSON I think I prefer JSON :)

Reported by None on 2013-05-06 14:30:53

Also an issue for Google's "Skia" open-source project.  Details are at
('git transition blocker: skia_tools.js needs to download tip-of-tree global_variables.json')

Reported by None on 2013-12-13 12:43:51

GitHub has this functionality (they serve raw blobs as text/plain). Are they just unaware
or unconcerned about the content-sniffing issue alluded to in #2?

Reported by None on 2014-01-07 17:41:51

github solves the problem of cookies by serving the raw URL from a different hostname;
i.e. is served raw from

Could that work for gitiles?

Reported by None on 2014-02-06 15:42:00

Yes, for we plan to use a new, cookieless domain (and for open-source
Gitiles the domain will simply be configurable and we trust administrators to understand
the risks and implement their own cookie policy).

This quarter I plan to do JSON support and at least get the ball rolling with our security/domain
teams on the cookieless domain part.

Reported by None on 2014-02-06 15:47:58

and some aspects of:

Reported by None on 2014-03-10 09:44:14

Base64-encoded raw file support is checked in as:

Example URL (won't work until this is released for

Reported by None on 2014-03-14 21:28:22

Reported by None on 2014-04-24 16:33:44

Reported by None on 2014-04-25 09:17:59

FWIW, the base64-encoded delivery is fine for my Chromium use cases. If you want to
leave this open pending "true" raw file support, that's fine, but I don't think it
should be a priority.

Reported by None on 2014-04-25 09:22:49

From the Skia perspective, base64 and JSON cover all of our bases too.

Reported by None on 2014-04-25 09:49:16


Reported by None on 2014-05-15 12:10:50

sebmarchand, that crbug appears to be about a Python script. Any reason base64 doesn't
work for you?

Reported by None on 2014-05-15 12:22:50

Yeah, I updated that bug with some notes on how to fetch. I don't think this is blocking.

Reported by None on 2014-05-15 12:37:15

Another issue is with pointing bug reporters and others to download
from the Chromium repo. We used to link to the file on This page
seems to now point to the gitiles page:

But that's not especially useful as there's no clear way to download it. For this use,
I think we'd have to be able to download the file itself, and not some encoded version.

Reported by None on 2014-09-04 07:55:06

I was able to download by adding ?format=TEXT on the end, then manually
base64 decoding it, but it was a bit of a pain...

Reported by None on 2014-09-14 18:35:27

So does that mean this isn't going to be fixed?

base64 decoding is not a solution.

A normal person should be able to go to

And simply click a link to download the file.

Reported by None on 2014-10-10 05:38:15

This is a real PITA!! Why on earth google doesn't provide a "raw" code link?? Absolutely
absurd. Please fix!

Reported by None on 2014-10-18 19:11:18

please increase the priority of this - it's a real pain to have to attach
to tickets when I want people to help me bisect Chromium.  Asking them to base64 decode
a raw download is too much of a barrier to entry.

Reported by None on 2015-01-30 13:53:19

wfh, the way to bump priority is to raise this with your local chrome-infra team member
and they can work it into feature planning with our team.

As for, I'm not yet convinced base64 decoding is too much of a barrier
to entry.

The documentation page linked above says, paraphrasing:
1. Download from this link.
2. Run this python command.

Would the barrier to entry really be that much higher if the documentation were rewritten
to say:
1. Run this command to download
$ curl ''
| base64 -d >
2. Run this python command


Reported by None on 2015-01-30 14:00:26

'curl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

'base64' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

So I think it does for some less technical users (that would be typical of bisect-builds
users -- if they were devs they'd already have the tree pulled and just use it from

Reported by None on 2015-01-30 14:08:02

Ah. Windows. Point taken.

Reported by None on 2015-01-30 14:19:30

In addition to, when reporting compiler regressions I used to say "1.
Download file <link> 2. Build it with these flags". This is no longer possible either.
(Again, Windows.)

Reported by None on 2015-04-29 13:24:23

Issue 83 has been merged into this issue.

Reported by None on 2015-08-24 06:04:12

This would also be useful for linking/viewing excessively large files. For example loads instantly as plain text and uses only 134MB of RAM despite being 100,000+ lines, whereas the same file with syntax highlighting takes 3 minutes to load and uses 1016MB of RAM.

This is an important feature, to be able to download manually from the site but clicking a link directly into text editor or other program. Going via base64 is good for machine but not usable for people. Can you please reopen?

This is a pain. Especially for projects like this which were previously downloading from just fine.

Who thought this was a good idea yet? Why has this not been implemented or getting any attention? The previous review has been in review since February.

Just because it's in review doesn't mean the issue should be closed. It still is not implemented.

jrn commented

puzzled Are you saying the issue is closed?

It was late an I misinterpreted the above closed as this issue being closed. With that said - it isn't like this issue hasn't actually been closed before.

For example: I want to be download these JAR/AAR files without having to go through a full git clone or any kind of decoding:

Any update on this?

For files inside Chromium it's tempting to work around this by getting raw files through a GitHub mirror ( which I have no idea how much to trust) but that seems like a pretty weird work-around.


This was bothering me too.. so I just now whipped up a little Chromium extension to provide a workaround. The .crx is published under releases.


  • I'm not posting the links here for shameless self-promotion
    • I couldn't care less if anyone else uses it or not
  • the extension is not in the Google store, nor will it ever be
    • I refuse to support or participate in walled gardens
    • the fork of Chromium that I use allows side-loading .crx extension
      • if yours doesn't.. that's not my problem

Enjoy :)

minor update:

in the spirit of releasing a version that everyone can use, and since it would take minimal effort to repackage the userscript in the .crx into a standalone greasemonkey script that can be run in most browsers (ex: compatible with tampermonkey in Chrome).. I added a branch to do just that. The download/update URL for this greasemonkey script is here.

Meanwhile this simple one liner can be used to download & decode a file within a Linux shell, e.g.:

curl ""| base64 --decode > mixer_paths.xml

Source: #106 (comment)

nico commented

The workarounds are nice, but don't work in all contexts, e.g. src indexing in a pdb ideally exposes just an http(s) URL. This issue means we can't use that (see also

This would be useful for Chromium.

Hi, Nico. Can you work with ajp to prioritize this request with Chromium? We can certainly do this, but it is a significant work to setup a separate domain to host this content.

Just got bitten by this while using Gerrit documentation instructions not referring to this.

I was able to download from browser and then decode to the original file, but not through curl,
My gitiles is hosted on a gerrit server that requires authentication

I tried the curl -u usernae:http_credential URL but seems not working... any suggestion?

Meanwhile this simple one liner can be used to download & decode a file within a Linux shell, e.g.:

curl ""| base64 --decode > mixer_paths.xml

Source: #106 (comment)

+1 here because id like to have the possibility to provide permalink to the most actual version of JSON schema for in-house tool. Workarounds are not the solution at all, since JSON schema is specified as field of the document.
Something like ?format=RAW would be great.

sto6 commented

Any hope for .md files? curl with ?format=TEXT method fails for .md files with: The specified format type is not supported

INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument
locale: "en-US"
message: "The specified format type is not supported"

On my system, I didn’t have base64, so I used this:

curl -s '' | python -m base64 -d

It works with both Python 2 and 3 and requires no external modules. But it’s probably slower than base64 for enormous files.

Thanks for the tip! I created a PowerShell + .NET equivalent for LibreOffice dev setup instructions

$Request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri; [Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($Request.Content))

Another workaround other than curl | base64 (h/t to @mathiasbynens), run the following snippet in Chrom{e,ium} DevTools:

const url = document.querySelector('.Footer a[href*="?format=TEXT"]').href;
const response = await fetch(url);
const contents = await response.text();
const dataUrl = `data:text/plain;base64,${contents}`;
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = dataUrl; = true;
anchor.textContent = 'download file';

...which uses fetch to get the Base64-encoded content, creates a data: URL, and then inserts an <a href="…" download> element into the page.