
Problems with Google chart version 52

moroale93 opened this issue · 8 comments

This bundle (on version 52) instantiates a variable named google on the window scope that overrides the one created by the loader.

Doing so the loader module will not be able to find the google.charts.load function because it got overridden.
This will display the error No loader available. Please update the codebase before making it the current version on March 2023.


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Thanks for the report. Yes, I found the same just yesterday, and I am tracking down where it comes from.

Hi, I get this problem with the new release: Uncaught TypeError: google.charts.setOnLoadCallback is not a function. I guess it's related to the described problem here then.

Hi, I get this problem with the new release: Uncaught TypeError: google.charts.setOnLoadCallback is not a function. I guess it's related to the described problem here then.

Probably not related. For setOnLoadCallback to not be a function, it would first have to find whatever it is on google.charts, but if google.charts is undefined, it should complain about that. So you may have a different problem, and I am curious to learn how you got it. You can add more details here.

Probably not related. For setOnLoadCallback to not be a function, it would first have to find whatever it is on google.charts, but if google.charts is undefined, it should complain about that. So you may have a different problem, and I am curious to learn how you got it. You can add more details here.

Thanks, It turned out to be a race condition on my end. I am not sure if the new version maybe takes a bit longer to load, but I guess this bug was there all along in my code – it just didn't come into play so far.

The problem with the "var google={}" has been fixed with an update to the 'upcoming' v52 release.