
explicit bool conversion for c++11 streams breaks previously valid code

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 3 comments

In C++11, the standard streams do not have an `operator void*()`, but have an 
`explicit operator bool()` instead. This change breaks code like:

    std::stringstream ss;

In the expansion of `ASSERT_TRUE`, an `AssertionResult` is constructed from 
`ss`. Since it expects a boolean but `ss` requires an explicit conversion, 
compilation fails. While this is not caused by GoogleTest but rather by a 
change in the standard, it might be desirable to provide a workaround. I'm just 
highlighting the issue.

Original issue reported on by on 6 Apr 2013 at 3:33

Simply change  in




Original comment by virkony on 16 Apr 2014 at 12:18

Klaim commented


Though I would have changed it to static_assert or

::testing::AssertionResult(expression ? true : false)
xmxwx commented

The issue has been already fixed since 8120f66.