Error in make_dataset
NehaPandey58 opened this issue · 2 comments
File "/home/neha/Downloads/graph_distillation/graph_distillation/data_pipeline/", line 82, in make_dataset
keep = keep[np.linspace(0, len(keep)-1, subsample).astype(int)]
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
I have run the script file for dataset. On running script file for training classification model for single modality, I am facing above error. I checked the code and found vid_names variable is empty.Kindly help.
Can I work on this issue ?
Just add:
if len(vid_names) == 0:
raise BaseException('len(vid_names) == 0. Is the dataset present at: {}?'.format(
to the make_dataset function after line 52. You need to download the dataset in order to be able to run the code