Trying to delete clients doesn't work
PenguinzPlays opened this issue · 4 comments
Saying data_store not defined... ?
In [3]: print data_store.REL_DB.ReadClientSnapshot(u"C.83558528f50f993e")
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/share/grr-server/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/grr_response_server/bin/console.pyc in ()
----> 1 print data_store.REL_DB.ReadClientSnapshot(u"")
NameError: name 'data_store' is not defined
Does running from grr_response_server import data_store
before the other commands help?
Hi, after importing data_store:
from grr_response_server import data_store
and trying to delete a client with:
I have the following error:
IntegrityError: (1451, 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (grr.client_paths, CONSTRAINT client_paths_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (client_id, path_type, path_id, last_stat_entry_timestamp) REFERENCES client_path_stat_entries (client_id, path_)')
@alexgumo7 , quick question - which GRR server version is this?
@alexgumo7 This seems exactly as the same issue mentioned in google/grr#745. It should be fixed since google/grr@3440b00.
Because these issues are not related to the GRR documentation itself, I will close it. Feel free to reopen the issue in the main repo or open a new one if the problem persists.