
BigQuery exporter does not export ProgramArguments in Plist results

anttitikkanen opened this issue · 1 comments

When using the BigQuery exporter to export hunt results that contain MacOs plist entries, the "ProgramArguments" field will be missing (

repeated string ProgramArguments = 7;

I suppose this is due to not having a special converter for Plists, so the default converted ignores repeated fields? (

NOTE: DataAgnosticExportConverter discards complex types: repeated

Correct, an exporter for LaunchdPlist type has to be implemented. To do that, one would need to do the following:

  • Define an ExportedLaunchdPlist protobuf and a corresponding Python class. The proto must contain the field metadata of type ExportedMetadata and shouldn't contain repeated fields (it can contain nested fields, though).
  • Implement the exporter that would convert LaunchdPlist values into ExportedLaunchdPlist.