
Nginx does not run

nlacasse opened this issue · 4 comments

Depending on the configuration, you may see nginx fail with the error:

ioctl(FIOASYNC) failed while spawning "worker process" (25: Inappropriate ioctl for device)

Support for FIOASYNC is in progress, but it’s not available yet. For now, add
the line below to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

master_process off;

Am I correct in assuming that this will potentially make nginx behave in unexpected ways and thus it is not something one should attempt for any somewhat serious use of nginx + gvisor?

To quote the nginx docs at

Syntax: | master_process on \| off;
-- | --
master_process on;

Determines whether worker processes are started. This directive is intended for nginx developers.

I'm not totally sure what the "master_process" directive does, but the docs do state that it should not be used in production.

We are still working on the FIOASYNC support, at which point this workaround will not be necessary.

Is there an example to repro this behaviour? I am not having an issue with nginx:latest.

gVisor now supports FIOASYNC ioctl. I just verified that nginx runs without the "master_process: off" directive.