
[style] Consistent header guards HEIR_LIB_* vs LIB_*

Closed this issue · 2 comments

asraa commented

This is just a style / formatting issue. It seems like half our headers and TD files use HEIR_LIB_* and half use LIB_*. I suspect that we had two periods of externalizing code / copybara header guard transforms and also moving the include/ dir into the lib/ dir that probably caused some confusion.

j2kun commented

Here's the macro I have in my neovim config, which creates/updates the include guard automatically. It does not include the HEIR_ prefix.

local function build_include_guard()
  -- project relative filepath
  local abs_path = vim.fn.expand("%")
  local rel_path = vim.fn.fnamemodify(abs_path, ":~:.")

  -- screaming case
  local upper = string.upper(rel_path)
  -- underscore separated
  local underscored = string.gsub(upper, "[./]", "_")
  -- trailing underscore
  return underscored .. "_"
asraa commented

Looks like the tests/ folder is also still including THIRD_PARTY_HEIR_TESTS_ -