
How can I create a zip FileSystem for a zip in a jimfs FileSystem?

njlr opened this issue · 5 comments

njlr commented

I found this, so I think it's supported, but I don't know how to use it.

Attempt 1

    Collections.singletonMap("create", "true"));
  uri (jimfs://814e6cd3-0d35-4c8f-a93d-62f44ffd3825/work/ 
  may not have a path, query or fragment

Attempt 2

FileSystems.newFileSystem(pathToZipFile, null)
java.nio.file.ProviderNotFoundException: Provider not found

Any ideas?

njlr commented

Ah, I figured out a way:

        .newFileSystem(pathToZipFile, new HashMap<>());
njlr commented

Actually, it looks like that method is not meant to be used.

Do you have a stack trace for the exceptions you're getting? It should be possible to open a zip file system for a Jimfs file.

This worked for me:

    URI.create("jar:" + pathToZipFile.toUri()),
    Collections.singletonMap("create", "true"));

Closing this given that it's stale and lacking some information. If it's still an issue, comment and we can reopen it.